To set up dash on the Server, install the "server" package in a folder somewhere, and run it with a configuration.

go get
go get
go build
./server config.json

Try to run it in a dedicated directory so that it can create its own files and logs without issue.

config.json will have the following format:

 "Id": 0,
 "Hosts": ["", "", "", "", ""],
 "Ports": [8080, 8080, 8080, 8080, 8080],
 "Path": "/home/foobar"

Make sure there are no trailing commas

Decide an ordering for your servers, and fill in the Hosts and Ports arrays in that order. You can choose any free port. Id is the index of the server you are currently installing dash on in the chosen ordering. Path is the path from which all commands should be run (dash is not stateful, and will run each command from this directory by default.)

Hosts and Ports should be the same on all servers, and Hosts[Id] should yield the hostname of the server the config file was found on.

If you wish to try dash on localhost, run in the server/ directory.