Visit this page for the older (stable) version.
Start Address:

  • Please enter a label on the same line as the opcode, separated by a colon, i.e. SKIP:STAX B. If you keep a line break between them, the operation after the label will be assumed NOP, and will not raise an error
  • Please enter label names in jump/call statements with parentheses, i.e: JNZ (SKIP). Anything without parentheses will be taken as an address and will not raise an error (e.g. CNC D000).
  • Do not leave out trailing zeroes in any hexadecimal parameter, i.e, type MVI A,012A, not MVI A,12A
  • This program will only check for syntactical errors (Most of them). It will not raise flags with logical errors.
  • Please separate parameters with commas, not spaces, eg LXI B,D00D
  • Blank lines are assumed to be NOPs
  • To format a comment, use %%format(switches). The current switches are "style" (element's CSS style attribute), "semicolon" (can be "exceptfirst" or "none"-- it removes semicolons from comment), and killrest (no parameters, it removes the opcode/address so that the comment becomes a pure comment). Example: NOP ;%%format(style=color:red,killrest,semicolon=none). This is a formatted comment.
  • Latest changes:
    • Program now ignores extra h's after hex numbers.
    • Added undocumented codes, highlight functionality, collapse errors functionality, warnings functionality. All functionalities of errors have been bestowed on warnings. Also added rich text comments.
    • Fix bug in labelling (label arrays were carrying over to next program run)
    • Fix bug in LXI
    • Fixed bug is labelling of unconditional JMP and CALL statements
    • Show more

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